This is the problem with a week long cruise – it is over much too quickly! We are determined to make the best use of the little time we have left and get up early.
Something I forgot to mention during this blog was that there were a couple of days that you did not see Pokey or Gumby, so I want to reassure you that they were always nearby. Closer than you might think because a friend recently gave me a pair of Pokey and Gumby socks! I have them on today.
We have breakfast and then walk our mileage on the Promenade deck. The weather is just amazingly beautiful and, as I have every time we’ve walked, I’m keep a close eye on the ocean as I look for dolphins or whales. No luck.
We have about $35 of non-refundable cabin credit that we need to spend today and, just our luck, there is another sale. After breakfast we go check out the offerings. These sales that occur near the end of the cruises are usually items (hats, sweatshirts, bags) for ports other than the ones we’ve been to. For example, today we see a lot of Panama Canal hats. But there are other things, too, like sundresses, ties, shirts, etc. Jeff and I get to the sale about 30 minutes before it ends and we do find a couple of items to spend money on. Jeff buys a short sleeved button down shirt with a tropical print and I pick up a small manicure set. The manicure set will go into our “always ready to go” travel kit. We take our treasures back to our cabin and head back down to the fancy coffee place. We are going to enjoy a couple of mocha lattes. I think I’ve consumed most of my calories this week either with alcohol or fancy coffees!
We sit in the piazza and people watch for a while and then go back to our cabin to hang out on the balcony. The boat is sailing slowly because we don’t have far to go today to reach Fort Lauderdale. There is another cruise ship trailing us – it is much larger and we watch it in the distance.
This afternoon we go to a special talk in the Princess Theater. The guest speaker is Amy Purdy, a para-Olympian snowboarder. She was super inspiring and very, very funny. She lost both of her legs below the knees due to an infection and she cracked us up with her description of her artificial legs. Apparently she can adjust the height of her legs anytime and she would make herself taller or shorter depending on who she was dating at the time. hahaha! She also has several different set of feet depending on what shoes she wanted to wear. Jeff and I have never seen the program, but she came in second on “Dancing with the Stars.” She played a short clip of dancing and it was spectacular.

She has a book out and after the talk was going to sign copies. (We skipped that part.)
It has been a fun, semi-lazy day.
We go to the ‘elite’ passengers happy hour in Skywalkers on the topmost deck at 5:30. There is smoked salmon with toast points and capers; the usual cheese and crackers, olives, and vegies. Here is where we will spend the last of our non-refundable cabin credit. Jeff orders a beer and I have a margarita – delicious! This finishes off our non-refundable cabin credit. We dip into our refundable credit by about 75 cents leaving us over $150 to be refunded. Yippee!
We sit with an Australian couple, and are soon joined by another Australian couple. They are a riot! They met on the cruise but you would think they’ve been friends for years. This is only the second time we’ve been up to happy hour on this voyage – had we know they were here we would have made more of an effort. As happy hour winds down, people are beginning to leave; a man who was sitting behind us stops to chat. Then he asks if he could do a song for us. What?? Well, this guy was unbelievable! He doesn’t sing, he whistles. Holy smokes! He does a song for us and then, because he says he is in the mood, asks if he can do another. Yes, please! (This video is so short because of the limitation in upload size. The song was about a minute and a half.)
Apparently he tried out for one of those “America’s Got Talent” shows and got cut at the point that they were picking the people to actually be on TV. I can see why he didn’t make the TV time, because, let’s face it, whistling isn’t very exciting. But he really was good.
We’ve closed out the cocktail party and are heading for dinner. Our shared table tonight was very fun and we laughed a lot. Where have these people been all cruise long? LOL.
Back in our cabin we sadly pack our suitcase. We were so late returning from dinner that we have to hustle to get our bag out before the 10 p.m. deadline. We were careful to remember to leave clothes out to wear tomorrow…
One last evening – we finish our bottles of wine and stand out on the balcony until late. It was a fun day and a great cruise!
We’re happy that you came along with us and hope to see you on future adventures.
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